Maxime Forest from Yellow Window at CZU Prague

This week Maxime Forest from Yellow Window Design and Sciences Po, Paris visited Fakulta tropického zemědělství ČZU v Praze to give not only an insightful lecture on topic: Gender and Climate 📖 but also to attend Czech University of Life Sciences Prague Agrigep project group meeting. This is Guest Lecture Recap 🎤and highlights:

📌 Key Takeaways:
-Women often migrate to different regions to get a job
-Whether we are old or young, straight or gay, all of that will define our position
-Gender inequality is in climate change issues

🙌 A big thank you to everyone who attended and contributed to the engaging discussions. Your enthusiasm made it a success!
Stay tuned for more enlightening sessions in the future! 🚀


Project Coordinator

Hungarian University of Agriculture
and Life Sciences (MATE)

Julianna Kobolak