Free webinar series on gender equality organised by six Horizon Europe sister projects

GE-Webinar Series
📢 We are happy to announce the launch of a free webinar series on gender equality organised by six Horizon Europe sister projects.
From September 2024, we will organise a monthly webinar related to our projects, focusing on practical and important GE issues. We aim to provide relevant information, share experiences in the community, and support the work of higher education and research organisations. Each webinar will be hosted by one of the sister projects, coordinated by the AGRIGEP project.
On this website, you will find up-to-date information about the series and its upcoming and past events. Please note that participation in online webinars is free, but registration is required. Stay tuned and follow our social media channels as well!
1st Webinar:
📅 Date & Time: 18 September 2024, 11:00 – 12:30 CET
Title: Effective Crisis Communication Management: Navigating Gender-Based Violence in Higher Education
Host project: GenderSAFE

2nd Webinar:

📅 Date & Time: October 2024, 11:00 – 12:30 CET

Title: Stakeholders mapping & engagement during GEP implementation – troubles and experiences of CCE Universities

Host project: AGRIGEP

Learn more & Register


Project Coordinator

Hungarian University of Agriculture
and Life Sciences (MATE)

Julianna Kobolak