
Deliverable Name Description
D1. Data Management Plan (DMP) and IPR plan preparation (WP1) A detailed DMP is prepared according to the project’s specific needs, in line with CA and GA, to guarantee the FAIR data management and open science policy and to reach the proposed impacts of the project. The IPR and their protection measures are part of the DMP.
D2. DMP and IPR plan Revision 1 (WP1) The DMP was revised at M18 and updated according to the consortium’s needs in accordance with the GA and project progress, including the IPR monitoring.
D3. DMP and IPR plan Revision 2 (WP1) The DMP will be revised and updated a second time, according to the consortium’s needs, in accordance with the GA and the project progress, including the IPR monitoring.
D4. Ethics Report (WP1) An ethics report will be prepared based on the Ethics self-assessment, considering the DMP and IPR plans in accordance with the CA and GA.
D5. Policy Brief 1 (WP1) A policy brief is prepared about the sectoral problems and needs, partially based on the capability and capacity assessments of the RPOs and mentor evaluations, focusing on widening countries and agriculture and life science RPOs.
D5. Policy Brief 1 (WP1) REVISED
This is the revised and updated version of the Deliverable 1.5 Policy Brief 1 document. The accepted Deliverable 1.5 of the AGRIGEP project was revised according to the suggestions of the Reviewer and the External Experts Advisory Board members to better reflect on the identified problems. This version also incorporates the findings of Deliverable 5.1 and reflects the barriers and enables of GEP implementation in the ALS field in relation to the policy context.
D6. Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication (DEC) Plan (WP2) Based on the proposal’s plans, a detailed DEC plan is prepared to help the consortium reach the KERs and maximise the project’s impact. This living document is updated continuously, and revised versions are published regularly.
D7. DEC Plan Revision 1 (WP2) DEC is revised according to the project’s progress at M12, aligning with the planned activities. Based on the status report at the time of the revision, measures are defined and modified to guarantee maximising the impact.
D8. DEC Plan Revision 2 (WP2) DEC will be revised according to the project’s progress, in line with the planned activities. Based on the status report at the time of the revision, measures will be defined to guarantee the maximisation of the impact.
D9. Virtual GEP-network operation protocol (WP2) An operational protocol will be developed for operating a virtual GEP network, facilitating communication, sharing knowledge and best practices, and fostering cooperation in the area.
D10. Baseline capability assessments for conducting change (WP3) The capacity assessment report details the current baselines of RPOs at M6 at the beginning of the project implementation, which will support the evaluation of the future progress made by each partner after the action.
D11. Sustainability assessment and prospects (WP3) A report is prepared and provided to RPOs, detailing the GEP-related areas and actions with further guidance for RPOs to achieve long-lasting changes. The reports are defined as sensitive and not available publicly.
D12. Mid-term monitoring and capability assessment (WP3) At the mid-term of the project (M18), mentors monitored the partners‘ capabilities and provided a report about the progress and actual status. This report helps to facilitate capacity building and will be the basis of further plans and corrective steps if needed. The reports are defined as sensitive and not available publicly.
D13. Training materials for employees & students (WP4) Training material will be developed for each RPO’s needs to use it within their Institution to train their GEP staff, employees and PhD students/pre-docs.
D14. Report on the progress and the suggested institutional reforms (WP4) A report on the progress of GEP implementation and the suggested institutional reforms supporting long-term progress will be prepared.
D16. Sectorial-specific strategy on GEP development (WP5) Sector-specific measures will be defined and a strategy will be developed on how to foster gender balance in agriculture and life science education and research in the involved universities of widening countries.
D15. Report on GE enablers and barriers in the fields of agriculture and life sciences. (WP5) Gender inequality in R&I will be the subject of a specific analysis, with particular attention to the fields of agriculture and life sciences.
D17. Policy Brief 2 (WP5) A policy brief will be prepared based on the project’s conclusions and identified gaps, with a special focus on higher education institutions‘ agriculture and life science areas.
D18. New revised GEPs for each widening partner institution according to sectorial needs. (WP5) RPO’s GEP will be revised, and sectorial-specific measures will be included. The new GAP will ensure progress towards the long-term goals.
D19. Inter-university survey to identify the relevant needs, knowledge, attitudes and skills of international students about GE in the sector. (WP5) Each RPO will perform and analyse a survey to promote the development of training materials for third-country students according to their needs and the identified area for development.



Project Coordinator

Hungarian University of Agriculture
and Life Sciences (MATE)

Julianna Kobolak